"Camping - More now than ever is an integral and must part of the Scouting program.
Emergency Service - Civilian Defense - Messenger Service - countless National "Good Turns" - and the lack of proper physical training of our youth - Make Scouting's contribution to the Nation's Strength - greater now than ever before.
Nation's Leaders call upon all Scouters to stress outdoor activities of youth today.
Scouting is set up to act at once - if finances adequate to do the job are furnished.
Treasure Valley is acknowledged to be among the top ten camps of the Nation. With its 922 acres of forest lake and stream, its fine equipment and its Troop Camping Program, the 3,000 Cubs and Scouts of Worcester are given the finest outdoor program - under the leadership of well trained men annually - more than 2.5 times as many boys as all other Worcester agencies added together.
All Scouts, regardless of race or color, rich or poor, may participate in this outdoor adventure. The property has been acquired through the personal donations of interested citizens, and is free and clear. It is worth well over $50,000 and the equipment alone, lodges, buildings, tents and canoes, represent a small fortune.
With the continuous use by hundreds of boys, the repair item annually represents a large part of the Treasure Valley budget.
In 1942, we have registered actually more than 3,000 boy weeks at our year-round Camp at Treasure Valley. This work must necessarily carry an operating deficit if we are to make camp available to boys from all strata of life.
To do an adequate job at Treasure Valley for all Scouts, we need at least 60¢ per boy in 1943 and with the enlarged program, 80¢ in 1944.
This would mean that for the minimum expenditure of $7.00 by each Scout for the year 1943, we would need to match this amount with a community contribution of 60¢ per Scout to keep up adequate equipment and furnish proper leadership.
Therefore, $3,000 would be the absolute minimum operating deficit for 1943 at Treasure Valley. Remember that this contribution for camping is more than matched by volunteer leadership of over 1200 trained men."